TMDS™ Train Management 调度 System​

Comprehensive dispatch 和 back office control

Increasing the efficiency of dispatchers through an integrated work environment.

TMDS is an integrated dispatch control solution that brings together multiple dispatching functions for Centralized Traffic Control (CTC), Track Warrant Control (TWC), 黑暗领域(DT), 和 Positive 列车控制 (PTC(列车自动控制系统)) into one system for efficient train management. TMDS utilizes commercial-off-the-shelf hardware 和 software to create a system that is straightforward 和 easy to operate 和 maintain.


Streamline dispatch execution 和 improve service delivery

生产力 & 效率

Integrates multiple dispatching functions, 包括CTC, 直接转矩, TWC, 和PTC(列车自动控制系统)(列车自动控制系统), into one system for efficient execution


Directly connects with SCADA systems, business management systems, 和 special interfaces (weather, 地震, 独联体, 网络, PTC(列车自动控制系统), 等.) for easy integration with existing 和 future data sources


Built-in business analysis reporting (velocity, train schedule adherence, GTM, 等.)


Key Modules 和 功能

TMDS Computer-Aided 调度 (CAD) – provides the generation 和 management of all m和atory directives, management of train operational data, 和 the presentation layer for train management/control.

  • Presentation Layer for Traffic Management/Business Rules/Safety-Conflict Mitigation/Resolution
  • M和atory Directive Management (Authority/Restriction Management)
  • Train Information Management
  • Signal System Interfaces (SCADA)  
  • Business Management Information Interfaces
  • Special System Interfaces (weather, 地震, 独联体, Web, PTC(列车自动控制系统), 等.)
  • Business Analysis Reporting (velocity, train schedule adherence, GTM 等.)
  • Auto-Routing (tactical execution, schedule or priority route based, some regional planning, 等.)

TMDS Back Office Server (BOS) – provides for the initialization, management, 和 delivery of datasets (e.g. authorities, bulletins, train-consist) to the I-ETMS locomotive segment.  

TMDS Mobile Device Manager (MDM) – provides for the file management of configuration files, 跟踪数据库, 和 event logs to the I-ETMS locomotive segment.  

Independent Validation Office Server (IVOC) – provides for independent validation that ensures the completeness 和 correctness of m和atory directives delivered to the I-ETMS locomotive segment.

TMDS管理工具 – provides for the management of all the data as it relates to the office segment’s database 和 entities required to operate I-ETMS

TMDS Network Management System (NMS) – provides for the network management system to monitor 和 present event/health statuses for I-ETMS office segment components.  



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